2020 National Service Project Most Successful Ever

Author: Carroll University

Published Date: 5/15/2020

Categories: Alumni Pioneers Persevere University News

232,3347 Meals Collected
The 2020 National Service Project raised nearly a quarter of a million meals—232,347—the most ever collected in the annual food drive. That number accounts for more than 35% of the total meals donated since 2010.

In this time of intense need, the Carroll University community went above and beyond—way, way above! The 2020 edition of our annual National Service Project raised 232,347 meals. The total nearly quadrupled  our original 60,000 meal goal. The drive ran throughout the month of April and was organized by Carroll's Office of Alumni Engagement.

This year, because of COVID-19, there was no physical collecting of food—a first in the effort's 11-year history. All donations were monetary, with each dollar donated supplying three meals to a person in need. 

Thank you to the 537 Carroll community donors who called in, completed the online form and mailed  the reply card to make our 2020 effort the most successful in  history. The assistance comes as the COVID-19 pandemic has left many individuals and families across the country in a more precarious situation—the nation's food banks are reporting a 70 percent increase in need. 

Check out our 2020 National Service Project results:

  • Meals: 232,347
  • Participants: 537
  • States Involved: 42

Carroll, in partnership with Feeding America, has been raising meals with an annual National Service Project every April since 2010. To date, we've collected more than 611,000 meals. The generosity of our alumni who are involved by reaching out, giving back and volunteering makes it all possible. The effort demonstrates the significance of our mission, and how the power of one Pioneer, multiplied many times over, is instrumental in creating positive change.

Learn more about Carroll's National Service Project 

Contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at alumni@nfmy6688.com or call 262.524.7237. 

2020 Participating States

Map of the united states with participating states filled in

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